Information For Teams On How Tied Playoff Games Will Be Settled

The Playoff Shootout - Please Read This Important Playoff Notice

The following notice applies to the Intermediate League Only 

2005-2006 Winter League Playoff Shootout 

Here is the format for settling tied playoff games:

  1. After a 5 Minute Stop Time OT is played, the teams will immediately go into shootout. 
  2. The shootout format will be 5 shooters from each team, shooting at alternating ends in a best of 5 format. 
  3. The team with the higher number of goals after 5 shooters will be declared the winner of the game. 
  4. If still tied after 5 Shooters, additional rounds will take place and continue on, one set of shooters at a time, until a victor is determined. The same 5 shooters, in their original order, will shoot again. 

For Example: after 5 shooters, the score is still tied. Team A sends its original first shooter to try again. The player scores. Team B then sends its original first shooter to try again. The player misses. Team A is then the winner. 

If, however, both players miss, the second shooters try again, and so on.

If any of the following occurs under the shootout format, the higher seeded team will be declared the winner (these are fallback scenarios in which the arena cannot, or will not, allow additional time): 

  1. If no OT can be played, the higher seeded team will be declared the winner in the event of a tied score. 
  2. If OT is played but there is not sufficient time for a 5 round shootout, the higher seeded team will be declared the winner. 
  3. If OT is played and 5 Rounds of a shootout occur, but a lack of time will not permit additional shooters, the higher seeded team will be declared the winner. 
  4. If a game is ended prior to the expiration of regular time, but two complete periods are played, the team that is winning at the time of the game stoppage will be declared the winner. If the game happens to be tied under these circumstances, the higher seeded team is declared the winner.

This provision also needs to be made, which is: 

If a participating team is unable to field a team within 10 minutes of the start of the ice time, the game is forfeit. Please remind the referees, scorekeepers and teams to arrive and be ready to play on time – since time is the essential issue of this memo.